Spencer Thomas

Spencer Thomas is a member of Snow Caldwell Beckstrom & Wilbanks, PLLC’s transactional and litigation team. With his background in accounting and his keen understanding of business operations, Spencer is able to deliver strategic solutions tailored to each client’s specific business needs. Spencer’s expertise includes corporate law, municipal law, commercial law, and real estate law. 


Utah State Bar 2024


University of Utah S.J. Quinney College of Law, Juris Doctorate Degree 2024
University of Utah, Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting 2021


Snow Caldwell Beckstrom & Wilbanks

2024-Present, Associate

Burbidge Mitchell 

2023-2024, Law Clerk

Mountain West Law

2023, Law Clerk


Spencer enjoys spending time with his friends and family. He is an avid outdoorsman and when he’s not in the office he can be found hiking, rock climbing, skiing, or camping. Spencer also loves to play pickleball and spikeball and wishes that he could play either competently. 

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